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The SRT’s webmaster, Nick Hackney has decided to leave us for family and personal reasons. The Trustees thank him for his good work over these years. It has been almost 9 years, that Nick has maintained the site and distributed these e-newsletters. Thank you Nick

We will be appointing a new webmaster and are planning some changes to the website format subsequently.

Authors Guidelines

The revised Guidelines are on the website, available to print or to download as a pdf.

They have been simplified and updated, and are recommended if you are writing anything philatelic.

Stuart Rossiter Trust

The Stuart Rossiter Trust Lecture

Will be on Friday 9th November 2018 – 5:00 p.m. at The Royal.

The Speaker will be Frank Walton RDP, FRPSL.

The title ‘Is aero a subset of postal history?’.

Details of how to apply for your free non-transferable ticket can be found on the lecture page.

The Rossiter Newsletter No41 – Download